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Alisa Hubarenko

UI/UX Designer


Let`s find the best decision for your project together!

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  • bxl_linkedin
  • bxl_instagram
  • bxl_behance


Creative designer with a passion for the latest trends. I create captivating graphics and memorable brand imagery. 

As a forward thinker, I excel at designing original websites that simplify complex challenges and focus on user-centricity. 

When I'm not designing, you can find me experimenting in the kitchen or spending time with family and friends. 




Graphic Design

Crafting visual content to effectively communicate messages, paying close attention to aesthetics, composition, and overall visual appeal.

Things I Do:

Creation of logos and branding., Design of advertising materials, Design of social networks, Design of printed materials, Illustration, Typography.


Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Illustrator; Adobe Ae; Canva; ClipChamp

Web Design

Creating engaging and functional websites, with a focus on intuitive navigation, responsive layouts, and visually appealing interfaces.

Things I Do:

Creation of websites and their elements, Optimization, Creating marketing newsletters design, Design coordination with clients and development team.


Figma; Hubspot; Protopie; Weblium; Wix; Google Workspace

UI/UX Design

Optimizing user interactions with digital products I prioritize UX, and strive to create enjoyable and efficient digital experiences for users.

Things I Do:

Developing unique, user-centric interfaces, Conducting user research, Testing products and improvement opportunities, and Analyzing and enhancing.


Interviews; Information Architecture; Prototyping; Wireframing and Mockups; EmpathyPrompt; WCAG 2.1

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Explore my portfolio to discover innovative designs and creative solutions. From visually striking graphics to seamless user experiences. Each piece is a reflection of my passion for design and commitment to excellence.



Discover insights from clients and colleagues, capturing the quality and impact of my work

Marianna Shkvyra | CBT Psychologist

I highly recommend Alice as a talented professional. Her impressive creative abilities and unwavering attention to details always contribute to the creation of original visual solutions.

I am deeply grateful for Alice's attentive and sensitive approach to my needs and incorporating them into the brand design for my practice. Its design, form, and color palette help convey my personal identity and values.


Contact Me

If you have any questions, feedback, or collaboration opportunities, I'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for reaching out!

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white 3d ball with diagonal lines
white 3d ball with diagonal lines
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